Introduction Introduction Cardiovascular Bradycardia Flowchart Hypotension algorithm Cardiovascular Overview Genitourinary Genitourinary Flowchart Genitourinary Overview GI and Nutrition Nutrition Flowchart Bowel Regimen Protocol Bristol Stool Scale Bowel Function Overview Neuro MAP pushes Use of steroids Patient Resources SCI Patient Handbook Prophylaxis Prophylaxis Flowchart DVT Prophylaxis Overview Respiratory Flowchart Table of Contents SCI Non-Intubated Atelectasis and Recruitment Protocol SCI Non-Intubated Secretions Protocol SCI Vent Weaning Protocol 1 SCI Vent Weaning Protocol 2 SCI Tracheostomy Protocol Therapy and Skincare Braces and Collars Mobility Flowsheet Therapy Protocol Skincare Protocol Overview High Turns and Pressure Relief Pack PRAFOs and Resting Hand Splint